
参与项目   博士论文   撰写书籍   发明专利   发表文章
  1. Zhao Y, Wang X L, et al. Solution Strategies for Word Sense Problems Based on Vector Space Model and Maximum Entropy Model. High Technology letters. 2004, 15(1):1-6
  2. Zhao Y, Wang X L, et al. Fusion of Clustering Trigger-Pair Features for POS Tagging Based on Maximum Entropy Model. Journal of Computer Research and development. 2006, 43(2):268-274
  3. Zhao Y, Wang X L, et al. Applying Class Triggers in Chinese POS Tagging Based on Maximum Entropy Model. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 2004:1641-1646 (EI indexed)
  4. Zhao Y, Wang X L, et al. Query Expansion Using Trigger-based Vector Space Model. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on AIRS, Beijing,2004:201-204
  5. Zhao Y, Wang X L, et al. Improved Katz Smoothing Algorithms With POS Information. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology.
  6. Zhao Y, Wang X L. Pinyin-to-Character Conversion Based on Maximum Entropy Markov Model. Journal of Electronics. 
  7. Zhao Y. A comparison of HMM and Maximum Entropy models for Sequential Tagging.CLIN19
  8. Zhao Y,  Gertjan van Noord. POS Multi-tagging based on combined models. TABU Dag 2009