My name is Yan Zhao, I received Ph.D. degree of computer science from Harbin Institute of Technology. I am a senior C/C++ and embedded developer in Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies.
Before TerumoBCT, I worked as a senior C/C++ and trade developer at JP Morgan Chase Bank.
Prior to JP Morgan Chase, I worked as senior C++ developer in NASA Johnson Space Center . I developed some NASA simulation and flight control software projects there.
Before NASA, I was a reseach engineer in the High Performance Computing Tools group (HPCTools), which is a research group in the Department of Computer Science in the University of Houston. My research focused on a C++ compiler(clang and LLVM). Before University of Houston, I have developed some real time industiral control software products, Nature langauge processing software in C/C++ langauge in both Linux and Windows platform. Detail can be found in my Projects Link .
I am also interested in web developing, and built XinZhi Computer and English Knowledge Website. I hope that the website can be helpful for people.
I have published two books about C/C++ language, and book details can be found in Author Website in Amazon.com. The book "Drops of knowledge in C language(Chinese)", has been rewarded as one of the ten influential tech books in 2013 by CSDN, which is the biggest networks of software developers in China. You can see the free sample chapters here. I recently published an English book on C++ language “Drops of knowledge in C++ language(Six Edition)” . You can read this book from C++ lanugage link.
I also translated two C/C++ language books from English into Chinese. One is “C programming a Q&A Approach”, the other is "21st Century C: C Tips from the New School(Second edition)". I built a website for my translated Chinese version "21st Centur C", which includes a lot of useful material about this famous book. Chinese version book can be purchased from here.
You may view my linkedin homepage or download Yan's CV(pdf) for more detial. If you need word version CV, you can click Yan's CV(Word Document). My blogs can be seen in Yan's blog link(Chinese)