- The Quantum® Cell Expansion System
- Work in embedded group to develop driver, firmware and boot loader.
- Simulation and flight control softwares.
- Converting WHIRL IR in openUH to LLVM IR in clang.
- Introduction: PPT link.
- Source Code: Gitlab link.
- Demo: You tube.
- C++ Engine and Mathematics and Statistics Library in Titan™ Reliability Modeling System and Fidelis Analysis & Statistical Tool (FAST).
- Titan™ System is a fully featured, customizable and multi-state discrete event simulation tool for system and reliability modeling.
- Developed the C++ Engine and a C/C++ Mathematics and Statistics Library to compute all simulation logics in back-end for highest performance.
- Applied ATL and COM to expose C++ Engine and Library to C# GUI and VBA of Excel.
- Some well-recognized global oil and gas companies have used Titan™ System and FAST, such as Shell, Chevron and Dow.
- IT educational website, XinZhi Computer&English Website
- Introduces computer knowledge to the beginning user.
- Introduces C/C++ and algorithems knowledge.
- I use php + mySQL. Some java scripts have been embedded in the client side Html languages.
- ICSU Morphology Analysis System. (Developed when I was a Ph.D. candidate)
- It is complex nature language processing software; it includes dictionary module, language model module, smoothing module and disambiguation module. The system can segment Chinese word, tag POS and recognize Name Entity.
- The whole software is developed in C++ and STL language, the main algorithm includes some smoothing algorithm, such as Katz smoothing algorithms, some path optimization and discriminative algorithms, such as Maximum Entropy and SVM. Assistant tool software is developed by PERL language.
- In 2003, the ICSU got the best result in disambiguation of overlapping and covering in Chinese national 863 tests. In addition, in the first international Chinese word segmentation bakeoff held by ACL Special Interest Group on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN). ICSU get the best performance on Microsoft corpus.
- Chinese parser that combines head-driven statistical model and linguistic rules. (Developed when I worked in Toshiba)
- The parser can output both phrase structure trees and dependency trees as a key component in Machine Translation (MT) system.
- It is developed by C/C++ language under both Linux and Windows system.
- I proposed and developed a Chunker that is based on Rough Set. The chunker has been applied to our MT system. Based on this research, I got a patent “A Chinese base noun phrase identifying method based on Rough Set”.
- Products of Toshiba’s Chinese to Japanese Machine Translation based on this parser have come into Japanese market.
- Software of Experimental Platform of Three Valves and Pole. (Developed when I was a master student)
- The platform is used to test the valves qualities, there are some requirements about pressure and responding time on a valve, if a value fails the test, it can’t be used in a train. The platform can conduct series of tests automatically, and saves a lot of manual works.
- It is real-time industry control software. All the interface components are created based on Microsoft ActiveX (COM) technology, so the components can be reused in other software products. Multithread programming based on Windows NT make it possible to sample and show data at the same time. The software is developed in MFC and C++ language on Windows platform.
- The devices have been used in Harbin and Mongolian railway bureaus.
- Software of Experimental Platform of Electronic Ballast independently. (Developed when I was a Ph.D. candidate)
- Test electronic ballast qualities used in a train.
- The same software technology with the previous one. Some software components have been reused in this project. In addition, I developed some algorithms to deal with high frequency signal inside of a electronic ballast, such as Fast Fourier transform (FFT).
- The devices have been used in Harbin and Mongolian railway bureaus.
- Software and hardware of Automatic Monitoring Device for Axle Temperature Alarm. (Developed when I was a master student)
- Device is used to monitor the temperature of axle of a train, if the temperature is higher than a threshold value, the device will alarm and some measures will be taken immediately.
- Hardware of device includes Single-Chip Microcomputer, Switching Mode Power Supply and temperature sensor. Software was written in MASM language. It’s a kind of Firmware in EPROM and it demands high accuracy.
- The devices have been used in Harbin railway bureaus.