First, the inline specification on a function is just a hint. The compiler
can (and often does) completely ignore the presence or absence of
an inline qualifier. With that said, a compiler can inline a recursive
function, much as it can unroll an infinite loop. It simply has to place
a limit on the level to which it will "unroll" the function.
One recursive(Factorial), Two recursive call( Hanoti) (Tree), Multi
result is single (FActorial), Result is many steps,(Hanoti) (Maze), Result is a
set( permutation). you can see that 1) any recursive function should at least
one input parameter, and this parameter should to be pass sub-problem. 2)
for return value, it has two different kind, if result is single value, you should
return a value, such as Factorial. If result is set(permutation) or many
steps(in-order traversal of treeor Hanoi tree), you can declare your
function as void. 3) Some functions need input another parameter,
such as level information in the tree or position information in the
permutation. 4) Base case can be understood differently, most of time
base case is 0 or null, but for permutation, base case is i==n. most
subproblem, i decrease, but for permutation, for each subproblem i
permutation, It is also worth noting that when you make a recursive call,
you advance down an individual branch of the tree, and an additional
branch is added with every iteration of a ’for’ or ’while’ loop. One confusing
thing about this problem is the second swap after the recursive call
to permute. This can be interpreted as ’unswap,’ and is required
because the char array is passed by reference, not by value, and every
time you swap elements in the array the change is visible down
It includes direct recursive and indirect recursive. direct recursive is R() call
R() again in it’s funciton body. It has two parts: 1)base and 2) recursivecomponent