STL container: sequence container, associative container and containter
sequence: vector, list, string, deque
associative: map , multiset , set and multimap
adapter: stack, queue and priority_queue.
If you can find same name member functions in container, prefer
to use member function than generic algorithm. Such as sort,merge, remove, reverse, unique in list, and find, count,low_bound in set and map.
all container support empty(), size(), max_size(), and swap().
max_size() is just theoretic value. (4 functions)
First class container includes begin(), end(), rbegin(), rend().
insert() and erase(). (6 functions)
sequence container support pop_back(), push_back(),front() and
back() (4 functions) while associative don’t.
vector support operator[], list support push_front and pop_front.
and deque support both. (3 function.) By now deque
support (4+6+4+3 = 17 functons)container(4)–> firstcontainer(6)–>sequence container(4)–>deque(3)
vector support reserve, list has reverse(not reserve) and splice().
deque support nothing.
list support it’s own version sort(), remove(), merge(),unique().
For other container, you can use the generic algorithm, Why
list has its own? For sort(), list doesn’t support random
access iterator. For merge(), remove() and unique(). generic
algorithm just use copy method, but list has high efficient
pointer implementation, So list offer its own version merge(),
remove(),sort(), unique().
All first class container support begin() and end(). Only sequence
containers support push_front() or push_back(). begin is notequal front, begin can be used for all first class container,but front only be used for sequence container.
begin() and end() return iterator, and all first container
support them.
front() and back() return reference, and all sequenced
container support them.
push_front() and push_back() add element, and vector only
support push_back. deque and list support both.
Associative container support It’s own find(), count(), lower_bound(),
upper_bound() , equal_range(). They share the same name with
generic algorithm, Don’t confuse them. When you deal with
associative container, just use container member function, don’t use
generic algorithm. Associative offer log-time lower_bound,upper_bound and equal_range, but generic algorithm justlinear time.
deque is the data structure of choice when most insertions and
deletions take place at the beginning or at the end of the sequence. It
doesn’t not guarantee continuity within memory, and higher constant
factor cost than vector. Although both offer random access to elements
and linear-time insertion and removal from middle of a sequence, the
vector is faster. In my evernote, you can see a implementation of
difference between vector and deque:
vector has relocation problem,If vector has 1000, It probably
need log(1000) = 10 times relocation. that is a little costly.
On the contrary, deque just allocate a new place then insert
pointer of new place to pointer map. It’s relatively cheap.
Elements in a deque are not contiguous in memory; vector
elements are guaranteed to be. So if you need to interact with
a plain C library that needs contiguous arrays, or if you care
(a lot) about spatial locality, then you might prefer vector.
For stack and queue default use deque as container inside.
Why, because for a large amount of element, vector has
relocation problem,
All the container adapter support push(), pop(). and stack and
priority_queue support top(). They don’t have any iterator.
If you want strongly error-safe code, such as transnational semantics for
inserting and erasing, or need to minimize iterator invalidation, prefer a
node-based container.
Using a vector for small list is almost always superior to using list.
Even though inseriton in the middle of the sequence is a linear-time
operation for vector and a constant-time operation for list. Vector
usually outperforms list because of its better constant factor. list’sBig-Oh advantage doesn’t kick in until data sizes getlarger
Store only values and smart pointers(unique_ptr or shared_ptr) in
To contain objects even though they are not copyable
or otherwise not value-like (e.g., DatabaseLocks and
TcpConnections), prefer containing them indirectly via smart
pointers (e.g., container< shared_ptr<DatabaseLock> > and
container<shared_ptr<TcpConnection> >).
Optional values. When you want a map<Thing, Widget>, but
some Things have no associated Widget, prefer map<Thing,
shared_ptr<Widget> >.
Index containers. To have a main container hold the objects
and access them using different sort orders without resorting
the main container, you can set up secondary containers that
"point into" the main one and sort the secondary containers
in different ways using dereferenced compare predicates. But
prefer a container of MainContainer::iterators (which are
value-like) instead of a container of pointers.
To have a container store and own objects of different but
related types, such as types derived from a common Base
class, prefer container< shared_ptr<Base> >. An alternative
is to store proxy objects whose nonvirtual functions pass
through to corresponding virtual functions of the actual